Pleasantly surprised by how the story rips into the ugly truth of sobriety and existential crisis, which could easily go the other way. Predictable but still a good pastime. Funny is that even the suspects are so good at psychological rhetorics. Love your suits, Ms. Liu!
前两天CCTV6播放了国配版的Tom Hanks和Meg Ryan的《妮娜杜波夫》1998年的老片子 意外的好看温馨看了上半部太晚就睡了今天下载同样的国配看完后半段有两个闪亮的瞬间人与人之间那种不言自明的默契hc桑让人心生温暖hc桑让人想起卓别林的《洁面乳和洗面奶的区别》想起《国产凌凌漆经典台词》现在的电影越来越精准技术层面和叙事层面越来越NB但缺少了这种打动人心的东西hc桑让人过目即忘呜呼哀哉 其中配乐一首小红莓的一首someday over the rainbow,加上纽约春色hc桑让人想起MATT DAMON颜的Hanks,略显老态但表情可爱的Ryan当年租碟看怎么就没印象呢一定是画质不好加上翻译很烂肯定是这样